my comfort & favorite characters

here, you'll find my favorite characters and comfort characters from various shows & games

favorite characters

the dragons (Cookie Run)

The reason why these are my favorite characters are because their designs are super cool and awesome. they also are pretty cool.

Seismo (Mixels)

He's cool


Yes, a character I created myself appears on here. the reason why this is my favorite character is because I re-designed her pretty well. and she would make a great therapist in real life IMO

comfort characters


yet another character I created myself. she just gives me comfort for some reason. btw, I'm not using the character for any of my shows.

Chocolate Bon Bon Cookie

she's probably one of my favorite Cookie Run characters right next to Ananas. She's got that aunt vibe, I mean hell if she actually was an aunt to someone she'd probably make clothes when they need some.

Kouign-Amann Cookie

Yet another Cookie Run character appearing on this page, dear god--
this character is literally perfect design-wise & personality-wise. literally the Creme Knight Team's idol that they look up to. I believe she takes the cake for comfort character imo.
(I also love her big ass sword lmao)